4 Health Tips To Enhancing Your Brain - Long thought to be the soul of the human psyche, the human brain weighs in at
about 3 pounds or 1300-1400g. What we know about the brain expands almost daily
as new science finds more and more nuances that control our perception of life
around us. We know that it controls what keeps us alive: respiration, digestion,
heartbeat and a number of other involuntary or automatic functions of the body.
Without our brain constantly working in the background, we would not be able to
It also controls what we call -Our Higher Functions- or things we are
consciously doing day-to-day - abstract thinking, reasoning, dreaming and
thought. Considered superior to any other species, our brain is responsible for
our culture, advancements and higher level thinking including reading, speech
and extrapolation. Things like creativity and personality are associated with
the brain. We make decisions, define colors and smells and that is just the tip
of the iceberg. This very special organ perceives the world around us and our
activity in it.
The human brain is strong and some may consider it invincible; however, many
times as we age, we realize isn not going to stay that way forever. Like any
other part of our body, the brain is subject to the ravages of time, and our
lifestyles affect it to a greater or lesser degree. As we age, the brain becomes
slower in its functioning and its ability to rejuvenate itself. But, through
science, we have also discovered that this doesn not have to be the end of
things. There are many ways to enhance and improve our brain power and forestall
the slowing down that comes with aging. This article gives you four excellent
tips to get your started in reversing the damages that time causes.
Tip #1: Healthy lifestyles are the key
Integral to our overall anatomy, the brain is probably the most important
organ in our bodies because without it, we could not function. So, we need to
treat it like the special organ that it is. For the person who drinks heavily,
they are damaging their brain more than the person who is a modest drinker. We
have long known that alcohol and other substances like drug use destroy brain
cells. Most alcoholics will argue that since we only use 10% of our overall
brainpower, we have plenty of spare brain cells to call on. This is more myth
than reality. Drinking does nothing to activate the other 90% of our brain's
capacity, and this fallacy will cause alcoholism to destroy our organ faster
than believed. As a result, if you think of that 10% we're using as a lifetime
organ, we should go to great lengths to preserve and protect it.
Tip #2: Eat well and your brain will thank you.
You know the saying: Garbage in; Garbage Out. This applies to healthy eating
to keep the brain operating at peak efficiency. Consuming the correct sets of
food definitely benefits the brain. Consider this: the brain is the most active
part of the body. In order to keep the brain vibrant and alive, we must give it
the best fuel available. The brain is always on even when we are sleeping, so
having an abundance of good fuel will keep the brain fit and thriving. Good
foods will be greatly appreciated by your brain, and in return it will deliver
excellent computing and reasoning powers. Never underestimate the power of a
balanced diet, exercise and adequate sleep when it comes to staying focused and
Tip #3: Exercise Makes the Brain Grow Stronger
Taking the time to get proper exercise is an excellent way for the body and
brain to operate at maximum effectiveness. Leading a well-balanced lifestyle
goes a long way towards having a brain that is alive, fit and ready to tackle
any problem that the world throws at it.
Tip #4: Relieving Stress is Essential
Exercise also releases stress which can cloud and slow the brains functioning
and create a good mood and a sense of well being.
The brain is an organ that should be respected, cared for and cherished. We
only have one, and it allows us to make choices, and live our lives to the
fullest. A well-cared for brain will deliver healthy perceptions, and result in
a more active and fulfilled existence.
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