Some years ago, I hosted a talk show on health on a Palm Beach radio station.
Someone called in, and wanted to know what to do about fleas, as she was
violently allergic to the various poisons that people put on the back of the
neck of their dogs. (A lot of dogs and cats don’t like them either.)
I had found a solution years ago, and I gave it to her. Buy Boric Acid in a
large “squeeze bottle”. It’s in a fine powder, and if you point the snout down
and squeeze the sides, it comes out in a puff of fine powder.
To start, vacuum the carpets, particularly where your pets may sleep or lie,
or the entire carpet in a house where all the floors are carpeted. After a
thorough vacuuming, go around squeezing the boric acid in a cloud all over the
carpet. Brush any excess white powder into the carpet with a broom or scuffing
your feet.
It will take a week or so, but after that, even with outdoor cats and dogs,
you will find very few, or no fleas. Boric Acid is virtually harmless, to
children, and your pets, but deadly to most insects.
Another thing that I discovered more recently, is a product sold at many
health food stores. This product is a mix of garlic and yeast powder. Mix a half
teaspoon or so into their food every day. Surprisingly, my cats love it mixed
into canned tuna. I thought the garlic odor would be a problem, but it’s
This helps keep fleas at a distance outside. You might be able to barely
smell the garlic on the skin of your pets if you smell closely. It’s also
healthy as the yeast has B vitamins, and the garlic is a natural healthy food
for man and beast.
Lets look at cockroaches next. They’re the “survivors” for millions of years,
and will probably survive after all humans have gone the way of the dinosaurs.
Every housewife hates them, and most houses have a few hidden away. In South
Florida, we have flying cockroaches almost as big as mice, and lots of smaller
ones also along with many other insects. Except for ants. Boric Acid works very
The Boric Acid in the carpets, particularly around the edges and baseboards
will keep them mostly out of the house. But, there are a few places where it
pays to keep them out as well. Put a small amount of Boric Acid into some beer
botttle caps.
Place the caps of Boric Acid into the corners of your cupboards. Take up any
paper in the bottom of kitchen drawers or shelves
Paper, and do a small Boric Acid spray, then replace the paper. Spray the
Boric Acid under the refrigerator, and the stove, and similar places.
That night, the entire program was taken up with callers, some telling us how
well this worked for them, or asking more questions. Several people called the
next time the program was on to thank me and some of my listeners for the above
Much later, I learned how to stop ants, including fire ants. Simply empty one
or more “blue” packages of NutraSweet (Aspartame) onto the nest. The ant hills
are gone by the next day usually. Sprinkle a few grains in the baseboards or any
possible entry holes into your home to prevent intrance. Aspartame seems to be a
deadly poison to most insects, but particularly to ants.
If it’s that deadly to ants, what might it do to some susceptible humans?
There are a lot of allergic persons who have had problems with it. Not everybody
is even aware of this problem. Aspartame often causes headaches and other
allergy symptoms. I never use Nutrisweet!
I hope that the above helps you to better health for you and your pets.
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